Override Points


Situations arise which require that you override the points calculated for a racer by Race Log Web  This situation can occur if you have a protest and need to adjust scores, or if you provide series credit for sailing in out of town regattas, and so forth (RDG, DPI). 

How to enter Override Points

Since the data you normally enter is the actual Finish, you need to let Race Log Web know that the number you enter is either a “Finish” or actual “Points”.  The default is “Finish”.  If you must enter Override Points, enter "R" for RDG or "D" for DPI followed by the “Points” you want the racer to earn in the appropriate Race column.  Points can be a whole number or a number with one decimal place, Example: "R8.2"..  A maximum of 1 digit is allowed after the decimal.  This is done whereever a Finish can be entered. 

   Examples of valid Override Points entered in a Race column:  D2.5    R2.0     R3     D8 

   Examples of invalid Override Points:     2.8       D3.55 

An entry of Override Points does not affect the Finishes or points of other race participants.

Override Points entered in Race Log Web are always the actual points earned for a racer for any of the Scoring Methods. This is slightly different than the original Race Log system. For Race Log the override points entered for High Point methods was actually a Finish, or fractional Finish. In Race Log Web the amount entered is always Points, which overrides Race Log Web's calculated points.